Start Here

How to connect to the flow here at ARCC…


The starting point for your in-person experience with us at ARCC on Sunday morning is The Launch - basically, its a point of connection to get a cup of coffee and snack, meet folks, find sign-ups and ministry opportunities, and get the kids to their classes. The Launch is in Rasmussen Hall, and we have hosts to help you navigate from here…

Plan a visit

If you know you are coming, give us a call in the office (Monday through Thursday, 8a-1p), send us an email or message via social media. We will be ready to give you a quick guided tour when you arrive on a Sunday morning, and we can put a name with a face. We know we live in an age where people value their privacy, but church is a place of connection, and so whether introvert or extrovert and all points in between, we won’t be weird about this, we promise! We can also help you find where your kids fit in, from nursery to teens, and help facilitate sign-in and acclimation.


You can expect that ARCC Kids is going to be solid basic bible knowledge with solid curriculum, at a pace that kids absorb, that will help build a foundation for faith in Jesus that is life-giving and sustaining! ARCC Kids are in two groups currently, toddlers to age 8, and 9 through 12, but we are working to expand what we offer and rearrange as we add older kids!