Local, Regional, & Global Missions
Our vision for ARCC’s Missions Ministry is to effectively promote and support Jesus’ Great Commission to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). We recognize that we follow Christ today because of the faithfulness of fellow followers spanning nearly two-thousand years to take the “Good News” to the ends of the earth.
We encourage community service as a practice that enhances spiritual growth. It enables Christians to have an incarnational presence and positive influence in local community groups. See the groups we partner with below.
In addition to these local, regional, and global mission programs, there are 3 special Denominational mission offerings taken each year – America For Christ, Retired Ministers & Missionaries and World Mission Offering.
To see how you can get involved in ARCC’s Missions Ministry email info@arcconline.org or call 916-483-3465

This mission provides services for women in a crisis pregnancy with the goal of preventing the practice of abortion.

This mission houses and feeds homeless men in downtown Sacramento. Our church provides volunteers to serve the meal every 5th Tuesday.

We collect canned and dried goods each month to supply the closet. Several of our church members volunteer on a regular basis. Contact: ARCC 916-483-3465

A monthly donation is given to support the organizational leader of this Sacramento Metro gathering of faith leaders.

ARCC gives $50.00 each month towards a parent’s tuition. Wonder-Land School is a Christian based preschool & daycare ministry founded in 1967 by Mrs. Hall. The school is a mission arm of the church.

This mission is our denominational support structure.
GHC provides: New Church Planting, Church Transformation, Pastoral Training, Pastor Search & Recruitment and Regional missions.

Homeless Assistance Resource Team is a collaboration of community members in Carmichael assisting those experiencing homelessness towards a life of greater self-sufficiency and independence. CHARLOTTE’S HOUSE: In 2017 our church board leased a vacant house owned by the church to Carmichael HART. Charlotte’s House opened in September of 2019. A transitional living program for “vetted” homeless females is operated by Sacramento Self Help Housing at that location.
Walt & Jeannie were missionaries in Bangladesh for decades. Walt is a Global Consultant for missionaries serving in countries with high populations of Muslims.
Mark & Alise Juanes will serve at the House of Love and House of Blessing in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Their ministry will focus on the discipleship and spiritual development of children and staff, and community development.
Patrick Pang
Their mission is “Transforming lives of people by providing first Scripture in their heart language.”