Vision & Mission…

How we do what we believe at American River Community Church…

Our Vision…

We want to see our Communities changed as followers of Jesus reflect His love…

At American River Community Church, we “do church” to let God change us, and when He does that, we take that change with us into our everyday lives. Its a process, for sure, but one in which as we grow deeper in our relationship with Christ, and deeper in our relationships with each other, we will grow wider in our relationships in the communities we belong to! Vision is something we can see happening in our future with our mind’s eye as we pursue our purpose for living, and this is our collective vision - to see lasting, eternal change in our surroundings because of the redeeming work of Jesus Christ in the lives of His followers.

Our Mission…

Inviting all to jesus - following him together…

Our mission at American River Community Church is three-fold:

Conversion - bringing unbelieving people into a saving faith relationship with Jesus Christ.

Spiritual Formation - helping Christians grow as disciples, exhibiting the internal and external characteristics of maturing followers of Jesus.

Deployment - deploying each committed follower of Jesus to join God in His work in the world.

Got questions?

Have a question about how we do what we believe at ARCC? Get in touch with a person on our lead team directly by clicking the button below.